WThe New York Public Library  /  Photographers’ Identities Catalog
PIC ID: 9006

McIntosh Battery and Optical Co.

American, active 1880s-1910s

No Gender (Business or Collective)

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This company was known as McIntosh Galvanic and Faradic Co. (or McIntosh Galvanic and Faradic Battery Co.) from ca. 1882 - ca. 1888, when it became known as McIntosh Battery and Optical Co.

Roles performed


McIntosh Battery and Optical Co. has 3 locations.

Studio or Business (1889)

141 & 143 Wabash Avenue
Chicago, IL

Studio or Business (1899)

521 - 531 Wabash Avenue
Chicago, IL

Studio or Business (1916)

322 West Washington Street
4th floor
Chicago, IL