WThe New York Public Library  /  Photographers’ Identities Catalog
PIC ID: 8400

Bailey & Co.

American, active 1870s-1880s

No Gender (Business or Collective)

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Jason S. Bailey was a jeweller in Boston before switching to picture frames in 1878. He partnered with Austin D. Elwell and opened a five cent store as Bailey & Co. in 1879. The store offered stereoviews. By 1889 the company was known simply as Bailey's, with Hollander, Bradshaw & Folsom listed as proprietors.

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Bailey & Co. has 6 locations.

Studio or Business (1878)

660 Washington Street
Boston, MA

Studio or Business (1879-1888)

21 Tremont Row
Boston, MA

Studio or Business (1880-1881)

609 Washington Street
Boston, MA

Studio or Business (1882-1888)

615 Washington Street
Boston, MA

Studio or Business (1885)

13 North 8th Street
Philadelphia, PA

Studio or Business (1885)

446 North 2nd Street
Philadelphia, PA