WThe New York Public Library  /  Photographers’ Identities Catalog
PIC ID: 7536

William Allderige & Son

American, active 1870s

No Gender (Business or Collective)

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William Allderige had two sons who were photographers, Frederick W. and John W. Allderige. It is not clear which son was the partner. Stereoscopic views in the collection of the New York Public Library document a tornado, positively dated 1878, which was early in the careers of both sons. Photographydatabase.org gives active dates for the studio as early as 1866, though this would seem to be in error, unless there was still another son.

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William Allderige & Son has 2 locations.

Studio or Business (1878)

125 Main Street
New Britain, CT

Active in (1878)

Plainville, CT