WThe New York Public Library  /  Photographers’ Identities Catalog
PIC ID: 391797

John Bachmann Jr.

American, born ca. 1854


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By age 16 John Bachmann Jr. was working as a lithographer with his father, and remained a lithographer until 1891, when he is listed as a photographer. He is listed as "artist" after that. It is unlear the extent of his involvement in photography. A lithograph in the NYPL Print Collection is said to be based on a photograph by John Bachmann, but it is unclear whether that is this John Bachmann or his father, who may have practiced photography in Europe.

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John Bachmann Jr. has 3 locations.

Birth (1854)

New York, NY

Studio or Business (1882-1883)

80 Bowers Street
Jersey City, NJ

Studio or Business (1890-1910)

356 New York Avenue
Jersey City, NJ