Daniel Clifford Barrows
American, 1853-1915
MaleA stereoview in the New York Public Library's Dennis Collection bears the names of E. A. Barrows, and D. C. Barrons, both of whom are identified on the card as dealers of fancy goods. It seems that the card is actually a misprint, and that both men (in fact, father and son) were named "Barrows." Daniel Clifford Barrows, the son, was a longtime jeweller in Willimantic, Connecticut, and also sold stereoscopes and views. In 1901 he was elected mayor.
Roles performed
Data from
Daniel Clifford Barrows has 3 locations.
Birth (April 10, 1853)
Chaplin, CT
Active in (1880s-1890s)
Willimantic, CT
Death (June 20, 1915)
Willimantic, CT