WThe New York Public Library  /  Photographers’ Identities Catalog
PIC ID: 326254

Goupil & Co.

American, active 1840s-1890s

No Gender (Business or Collective)

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Goupil & Co., an art gallery, was a partnership of Adolph Goupil and Alfred Mainquet. The partnership was succeeded by Michael Knoedler around 1859, and he continued to use the name into the 1890s.

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Goupil & Co. has 4 locations.

Studio or Business (1840s-1890s)

772 Broadway
New York, NY

Studio or Business (1847-1885)

56 West 45th Street
New York, NY

Studio or Business (1855-1859)

366 Broadway
New York, NY

Studio or Business (1870-1885)

170 5th Avenue
New York, NY