WThe New York Public Library  /  Photographers’ Identities Catalog
PIC ID: 288914
Image of Albert Meyer from Wikidata
Image of Albert Meyer from Wikidata

Albert Meyer

German, 1857-1924


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Albert Meyer has 9 locations.

Birth (February 27, 1857)

Dresden, Germany

Studio or Business (1883)

Alexanderstrasse 45
Berlin, Germany

Studio or Business (1890s)

Potsdamerstrasse 125
Berlin, Germany

Active in (1890s)

Szczecin, Poland

Active in (1890s)

Miedzyzdroje, Poland

Active in (1896)

Athens, Greece

Studio or Business (1900)

Georgstrasse 24
Hanover, Germany

Studio or Business (1908)

Burgstrasse 6
Munich, Germany

Death (August 24, 1924)

Dresden, Germany